Training in self-administering Sayana Press

The Ministry of Health (MISAU) and its members of the technical group family planning trained 17 trainers on the supply and administration of the self-injecting contraceptive Sayana Press.
The technical group family planning consists of technicians from MISAU and partner organizations, including ICRHM, who support the family planning program. Sayana Press is currently administered in health centres by a health professional, but it will be available to clients for self-injection through a pilot project.
According to the head of the family planning sector at MISAU, Alda Mahumana Govo, self-injecting has many advantages for users, as they do not need to go to the health centre for the administration anymore. They can self-administer their doses for more than 6 months.
The pilot will be preceded by training professional maternal and child health care workers, pharmacy professionals, elementary polyvalent agents (APES) and traditional midwives to create demand and follow-up in the community.