Eradicating HIV in Tete Province, Mozambique

Since last November ICRH Mozambique, in partnership with the Center for Collaboration in Health (CCS), has been implementing the project ‘Reinforce adherence and retention of patients to ART and screening for TB’ in Tete Province.
This project, within the scope of the Global Fund NFM3 grant, aims to strengthen the link between communities and health facilities through combined interventions that contribute to the reintegration and increase of retention of patients in treatment for tuberculosis and HIV. That way, we want to contribute to the reduction of the burden of TB and HIV in the country.
ICRHM covers 12 districts and 52 health units in the central province of Tete, which makes us the biggest partner of the health department in terms of geographic coverage. The senior staff of CCS and ICRHM, together with health managers, chief doctors and HIV focal points from the 12 districts, were gathered to assess the needs and to define the best intervention strategy. The project will last for 2 years.